
NOTE: The PayPal Rates have changed since this article was written. Please check PayPal.com

Paypal Account:

There several PayPal account types, but the most comon for startupsare four of the most common:

Express Checkout: Domestic Fees start at 2.4% + 30c (3.4% + 30c cross border). No monthly fees and no cancellation. API Interface. [more info] [Integration Guide] [Get Started Guide][API Reference]

Website Payments Standard: Domestic Fees start at 2.4% + 30c (3.4% + 30c cross border). No monthly fees and no cancellation. HTML Interface. [more info][Integration Guide]

Website Payments Pro/ Payflow Pro: Domestic Fees start at 2.4% + 30c (3.4% + 30c cross border). AU$30 monthly fee. Virtual terminal included. HTML Interface. Possible to use Direct Payment API, which hides PayPal. Website Payment Pro is available in US, CA and UK, Payflow available in AU [more info] [API Reference][Developers Guide]

Payflow Gateway: $500 setup fee, $130 monthly fee, 18c per transaction. Visa/Mastercard/Amex/Diners/JCB and PayPal payment options. Available in AU. Need an account with NAB,CBA,WestPac, ANZ or St George. Payflow Pro is a merchant hosted facility, Payflow Link is a Paypal hosted facility and has cheaper rates. [more info]

More Info:http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2011/09/05/getting-started-with-the-paypal-api/

PayPay Comparison Chart: https://www.paypal.com/au/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_profile-comparison

Paypal Express and Website Payment Standard Accounts:

Paypal accounts are free to initiate. There are other Paypal accounts that charge a service fee, but we will not cover these in this article.

Transaction Fees start at and 2.4% + 30c per transaction for a business account. These fees are reduced depending on the monthly sales you do. If you do over $150,000 a month, the Fees drop to 1.1% + 30c.

If you transfer less than $150 out of your paypal account into your bank account, you get slapped an additional fee


  • You don't get charged if you don't sell anything
  • Cheap for small shops


  • Paypal holds your money until you transfer it to your bank account. If there is a problem - PayPal holds the money. If a buyer disputes a transaction - your account gets locked!
  • PayPal is governed by US laws - not Australian laws.
  • In 2010 PayPal requested additional information from several existing Australian merchants (copies of passports). Paypal locked their accounts without warning until this information was submitted. Some of these merchants could not (or were not willing) to submit the information and as a result these merchants lost access to their paypal merchant account and the funds within.
  • PayPal's customer support is appalling.
  • Your Bank statement only shows the bulk PayPal transfer and not every customer transaction.

Google Reviews

What are Google Reviews?

Google Business reviews are written by your customers. They have more validity to testimonials as they are posted up by your customers and not by you as the business owner.

This can be a double edged sword, because businesses owners cannot control who reviews them - or how many stars they will receive.

Don't get disheartened if you get a bad review. The way to recover from bad reviews is by receiving more positive reviews. Besides, it looks suspicious if a business only has positive reviews.

Customers can give reviews via Google Maps and after Google Search results. Reviews were once submitted on the Business Google+ page, however in November 2015, Google removed this feature.

How does a Customers give a Review?


Direct your customers to your Google Map page. At the bottom there is a "WRITE A REVIEW" link.

The Organic Website Maps page looks like this [Click here].

google review1


Ask your customer to fill in the details. They will need to give you a star rating before the "Post" button becomes active.

google review2


Further Reading:

Check out our FAQ on Google My Business.

Check out the Google Map help page: https://support.google.com/maps/answer/6230175?hl=en




mybusiness logo

Google My Business is a free service - don't be fooled into paying for it! It helps your customers find your business when they are looking for goods and services - much like 'ye ole' Yellow Pages did.


googlemybusiness1Google have been evolving this product for some time. In the 'ole days (in 2010 - yeah) it was known as "Google Places" which was mostly a Google Maps account for businesses. Then around 2013 they called it "Google Local" with the inclusion of Google+. Finally in 2014 they renamed it Google My Business and included YouTube accounts and other goodies.

Google My Business accounts and Websites are major components for a successful online business strategy.

As part of our website business service package, OrganicWebs will setup a Google My Business account at no additional cost. Its all part of running your business online!

Once your business has been verified, it will be shown on Google maps. We will help you through that process. This means that when people are searching for services using Google or Android phones, your business location and phone number will be displayed.

Your Business will also get a Google+ page on Google Social media platform.

Your Business will also get a My Business YouTube channel for online videos. With a My Business Youtube channel you can share ownership with multiple administrators to assist in uploading videos - which is something not possible with standard YouTube accounts.

For more info:

To best explain Google Adwords and what we can do for your Business Online Marketing campaign, have a look at these videos...

OrganicWebs is a Google Partner, and together with our skills with developing your website, we can provide the best platform for you to launch your business online and draw in new customers.

We will setup and manage your Adwords account, using our experience to optimise your marketing budget to directly target customers. We also will modify your website to meet the requirements of your Adwords Campaign, and lower the cost of advertising.

Its easy to spend money on advertising
- but with experience and knowing your business -
we Test and Target the market, keeping track of your Rate of Return

What is Adwords?

More on Adwords...

(Quicklink: www.organicwebs.com.au/adwords)

facebook logoFacebook

Facebook can be used to notify your clients of marketing campaigns such as sales and new product launches.

When creating a Facebook Business page, you will first need to be a Facebook user. You can then create a Facebook page for your business.

A user page you can be "Friends" - a business page you can "Like".

If a user Likes your Facebook page, they will then get your Facebook update feeds - along with all other other info they get from their friends and clubs.

For other Facebook general tips, see our Facebook Tips page.

youtube-logoYouTube [April 2012]

At the moment YouTube is not really designed for business account managers or agents, but hopefully this will change in the near future...

  • YouTube does not currently have business specific accounts
  • YouTube accounts only have a single owner - there is no shared account functionality. So when starting a YouTube account for your business, it is best to use a non-personal email to it for the use of sharing - like This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You should not associate your YouTube Account to a personal email address.
  • YouTube usernames cannot be changed. So think wisely when setting up your account.
  • You cannot "namesquat" a YouTube account for your business.

You can upload videos more than the old 10min or 15min limit. Videos can now be 12hours long if the account has been verified. Go to the upload page and click on the "Increase your limit" link. It will require you to register a mobile phone number.

Unfortuneatly there is a limit on the number of times you can use the same mobile number for registration - and at present YouTube doesn't give you another option - other than borrow somebody's phone to get past this hurdle!


Video Upload Formats

Youtube uses a 16:9 player. If your video is another size, just upload your native ratio and Youtube will pillar box it for you.

TypeResolutionVideo BitrateMono Audio BitrateStereo Audio Bitrate5.1 Audio Bitrate
1080p 1920x1080 8,000 kbps 128 kbps 384 kbps 512 kbps
720p 1280x720 5,000 kbps 128 kbps 384 kbps 512 kbps
480p 854x480 2,500 kbps 64 kbps 128 kbps 196 kbps
360p 640x360 1,000 kbps 64 kbps 128 kbps 196 kbps

More Info onYoutube here...

For comparision, the highest DVD video resolution is 720x576 interlaced for 25fps.

Youtube Embeding Tips:

You can add these arugments to your youtube link for customisation...

autoplay: 1 to autoplay, or 0 to not play.
showsearch: 1 to show the search list at the end of the video, or 0 to not
rel: 1 to show related videos at the end of the video, or 0 to not
modestbranding: 1 to hide the youtube link, or 0 to show it
fmt: format to view the video. You can set the quality mode manually with this.
loop: 1 to loop the video, 0 to not. You may need to ad a playlist for this to work ( &playlist=VIDEO_ID )
showinfo: 0 to hide the title
controls: 0 to hide

For Example:


 To Loop:


More info here...

Other Social Networks

Other popular networks include...

  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • Linked in

Keep in mind, the more networks you join - the more work is required to maintain and upkeep these networks.

With a MIGS API gateway, if you see this returned error back to your website...

"E5432-05270118: Internal Error : Failed to perform transaction via payment engine"

and you then jump into the Merchant console and run the same credit card details you will see:

"There are too many concurrent transactions being processed against this merchant, please try again"

The reason for this error is not very clear - but its coming from MasterCard payment engine.

It may be casue by trying the same credit card too many times.

If you wait a while and try again - the transaction will go through.

Google Adwords

As far as we can tell, people are slowly moving away from using the old style directory books and business directories and are Googling everything. This includes finding stores. Getting high rankings on the Google free listing section is becoming very competitive and more difficult as more merchants get on line and are competing for the same space on Google.

However, when people are looking to buy merchandise from a store - they usually look at the Google Sponsored links. You can buy your way into this place by Google Adwords. Ranking in the Sponsored system is via action. The more you offer per click - the higher you get on the list.

Depending on your store and what your competitors are actioning for Adwords, generally a budget of $100 at 30cents a click can get you started with good results. Some of our small business clients are finding that $100 budget lasts them 1 to 3 months. You only get charged if somebody clicks on the Ad.

Yellow Pages Australia

YellowPages is a old school business directory book trying to compete with new technologies such as Google Adwords.

On March 2011, YellowPages was charging $864/year for a basic Value Package including a phone book entry (print listing) and online listing (digital listing) on their website with keywords. (Please see Yellow Pages directly for up to date costings).

For $390/year you can get a phone book entry with your website address, plus a basic online listing - but with no yellowpages keywords. Here's the catch - unless you have your keywords are in your business name, finding your business with yellowpages online is difficult (an in our opinon a waste of time and money).

For $489/year your can get an online listing (only) on the YellowPages website. You won't be printed in the book.

One thing to note nowadays is that people are not browsing through categories anymore. People like to search for keywords - like "Plumber", "Electrician Perth", etc - and hit the search button. Unless you have "Plumber" as a keyword, or is in your business name, you won't be found.

YellowPages does have free listings - however they don't allow you to advertise your website address or email address.

As a result of these costly and complex advertising plans, we are seeing more small businesses moving away from YellowPages - opting for building their own websites and advertising with Google Adwords.

But YellowPages cannot be overlooked if you have the marketing budget. The Budget Starter package at a minimum.